Merchant Account for GOLD & SILVER COINS, Precious Metals COLLECTIBLES Dealers

Items such as gold, silver coins, and precious metals are popular collectibles that are known to be worth more than their original value and are always in popular demand.  In this market it can be very complex due to the prices constantly fluctuating.  Because of the rates of gold and silver changing, it can complicate transactions and some banks may view your business as high risk.. An important driver to your business’ success is the ability to accept any form of payment including debit and credit card payments. 

Why is my business considered high risk?

  • High value product
  • Potential fraudulent behaviour
  • Price is constantly fluctuating

What are the benefits of having a merchant account?

Having a merchant account will allow you to receive payments directly from the customer using their debit or credit card such as Visa/Mastercard/Discover/Amex.  The merchant account ensures that fast payment processing is done through the terminal using the gateway setup.

For online transactions, a merchant account will make the transaction process run smoothly and can also help with keeping track of who has paid.  A merchant account allows you to gauge a stronger presence online due to the variety of online payments that it allows to be processed. We process the payments of a variety of credit card issuers that include Visa, Mastercard and Amex. As well as this we offer the opportunity of clients being able to pay for your services electronically through the notion of ACH and check processing.

As a business when dealing with the sales of gold, silver, and precious metals high transactions are done on a daily basis.  Having a merchant account allows your business to have virtual portals that are safe and secure so that all payments are processed securely and that your money is safe.

Apply here

Has your business been turned down by merchant account providers in the past?

Many providers and banks may view your business as high risk and you may have experienced being turned down and rejected.  Some businesses also experience being shut off by credit card processors because of being viewed as risky due to issues such as chargebacks.

Why you should register with us?

Whether payment is through Visa/Master Card/ Discover or Amex we can setup the payment process at no additional setup fees. Our rates may vary subject to credit history, but you can be assured that our website is user friendly and easy to navigate and we are available every step of the way.

  • Our presence in the e-commerce world has ensured that multiple underwriting banks will support your startup or new business.
  • We are adept at providing both card present and card not present kind of transaction.
  • We also offer electronic check drafting facility through our secure website. Remember, check drafting is not the same as ACH processing. Once you integrate this service in your website you can start accessing checks online too.
  • When you register with us you can be assured that we do not charge any additional fees, our rates are competitive and the application process simple.
  • We provide our services from the smallest to the largest of processing volumes unlike several service providers who do not do business with small vendors.
  • There are no hidden fees involved during your credit card processing. Our rates for processing too are low when compared with any other provider in the industry.
  • We also deal in MOTO merchant accounts if you don’t have credit cards.
  • Both low risk and high risk merchants can do smooth transactions through us.

We have experience working with businesses in the gold and silver industry .  We specialize in offering high risk credit card processing for your industry.  We have been doing it for years and we offer the best deals for high risk merchants at the lowest rates. We understand the nature of your business and know how to help you progress in your business and start making profit.  We have a good working relationship with many leading banks in the country and years of experience in the industry. Apply today and if you would like additional information do not hesitate to contact us as we are available 24/7.