Merchant Account for Retail Storefronts

Retail storefronts can include businesses such as hotels, restaurants, retail stores, and other retail establishments.  As an owner of a retail store, you will experience having a customer base that has a wide range of card payments.

When customers visit your business and make a purchase by card, it is important to have a retail merchant account to process card payments.  It is important to choose a payment gateway that can process different cards such as Visa/Mastercard/Discover/Amex.  Most importantly, it is important for the payment processing to be quick as many customers want to be able to quickly make a purchase and leave.

Zero Cost Credit Card Processing

As a business, you also have the option to choose zero-fee processing.  Many businesses are charged by processors between 3-4% but as a business you can choose the option to have customers pay the fee.  With this method, your terminal can have signage informing  customers of the fee and can then remind them when swiping their card the terminal notifies them of the fee and allows them to accept or use a different payment and covers the fee so that your business gets 100% of the sale.  It is also suitable for in person transactions so that the customer can pay cash rather than use their card and paying the fees.

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Rates Vary By Startup Vs History

When a company is a startup, the risks that are involved can be slightly higher which results in higher charges. For an established business that has more experience in payment processing and handling customer issues, they may have less risk so the rates may be slightly lower.

Retail / Card Present / Signature

When purchases are made in retail stores, the card will be physically presented by the customer and once swiped and approved, they will sign the receipt.  Even with this option, there could be times where a customer can return to the store and say their card was stolen and used to pay for the purchase which the business will then have to create a chargeback which increases the risk.

When you sign up with us, we provide you with the support needed to face these situations which can be unavoidable due to the industry. However, our friendly team will always be here to not only help you setup your account without any hassles, but also provide you support after setup.

With us, we ensure the payment processing is quick as possible so that customers experience quick processing.  When the payment process is smooth and quick, they are likely to be satisfied and come back as a returning customer.

Retail stores understand it is not just the goods offered but it is also the way the customers and the purchases are handled that are important due to competition in the industry.

Other Services

If you are a retail establishment and also have a website that provides an online shopping experience, you will also need reliable virtual terminals that can process card payments when cards aren’t present. These additional services can be provided when asked for and the rates will vary accordingly.

Check out our website and apply today. If you have any questions are customer care team is available to answer any questions and address your needs.  We take pride in making sure the process is as smooth as possible.